Friday, 1 July 2016

LyteByte: WordPress 4.5 Review

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LyteByte: A complete WordPress 4.5 Review :We show that Whats New in wordpress 4.5 in depth Review It feels like WordPress 4.4-has just started. Is it time to WordPress 4.5 already? Maybe the start of the holiday season skewed my perception of time, but the next round of WordPress' ever-evolving core really is just around the corner. Beta 1-a and 2-4.5 in the books, and by the time this article was published the Beta 3 is planned as well. If you're curious, you can take a peek through 4.5 project schedule, but all eyes are barely a month away- the full release on April 12.

LyteByte: WordPress 4.5 Review

WordPress 4.5, named "Coleman» was released just a few minutes ago. It's the first major WordPress release in 2016, and comes with some exciting new features. In this article we will show you what the new WordPress 4.5, and which features you need to try it after updating your sites.
This is a major WordPress release, and if you are on a managed WordPress hosting service, you must manually initiate the update.

It's important. Do not forget to create a complete WordPress backup before starting the update.
Theme Logo Support

Adding a logo to your site from the Customizer's been a long awaited feature. Most premium WordPress themes from theme options allow users to set the logos, but there was no standard way to do it.
With WordPress 4.5, Theme developers can now enable theme support the logo. This will allow users to set a logo for their website using the Customizer
Remember that it is the feature, which means that it must be prescribed by your theme. If the topic does not support this feature, then you will not be able to see the Customizer.
Better last for site icons

The icons have been introduced in WordPress 4.4. This feature allows users to set the favicon and the application icon on their websites.

WordPress 4.5 brings a slight improvement in the feature. Before 4.4.2, you only saw the preview icon when the enlarged image. 4.5, you will also see a preview of the site identity panel, when you set the picture.

Responsive Customizer

Customizer of WordPress 4.5 comes in response to the initial live desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Just click on the device icon to switch the view between devices. This will give you a general idea of how your site will look different screens.

Optimized for Image Generation Performance

Responsive images were one of the major improvements WordPress 4.4, WordPress which has allowed to show a small image size for small screens of users.

WordPress 4.5-takes it to a new level of performance, how WordPress generates image size.
Previously, WordPress is used 90 image quality when compressing images. Now it will use 82, which produces an almost identical pictures with very small sizes.
Improved Comment moderation Screen

WordPress 4.5 cleaning up Comment moderation screen and makes it more usable. Up to 4.4.2, when you clicked on the link Comment moderation notification by email, you will see a page like this.

Changed to below

The same range of interpretations will not have a nofollow attribute

Previously, all links added comment content area of ​​the nofollow attribute to their default.
WordPress 4.5 will not add nofollow attribute to links pointing to the same domain.

If you or your users to add a link to your post or page on the interpretation of the text, then WordPress will not add nofollow to it.

However, if a user is add your URL in the URL field when submitting a comment, you can add nofollow WordPress and external features of the link.

See how you can disable the website / url field WordPress comment form.

Visual Editor devices

Most WordPress users spend most of their time writing content. This makes the overall visual editor WordPress user experience is one of the most important areas.

WordPress 4.5 builds on some existing improvements and adds some new ones to make writing faster and more enjoyable.

Link Inline Editor

WordPress is one of the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + K (Command + K- on Mac), allowing you to install the communications messaging. Up 4.4.2, the link opens in a pop-up tab, which is a little distracting.

In WordPress 4.5, pressing CTRL + K shows, inline put the link in the menu. Just type URL- and continue writing your post without removing hands on the keyboard.

New built-in Text shortcuts

Inline text shortcuts were introduced in WordPress 4.3. These shortcuts allow you to quickly add formatting marks write posts.

WordPress 4.5 allows you to use three or more dashes, add a horizontal line. You can also use backticks `code` to add code.

We reported what comes WordPress 4.5, there will be shortcuts for bold and italic too. Unfortunately, this does not make the shortcut patterns 4.5.

You can see a full list of shortcuts available WordPress, clicking on the help icon in the visual editor.

For those of you who do not want to use these shortcuts, you can disable inline text shortcuts visual editor.

Email access

Most online services such as Facebook, Twitter and others allow you not only access using your username, but your e-mail address.

While you can easily forget your password, most people do not forget their e-mail address.
WordPress 4.5 will allow users to login using either their username or email address as the username.
Access email support WordPress 4.5

If you were using a plugin allows a user to access email on WordPress, then you can safely deactivate the plugin.

Under the Hood improvements

WordPress 4.5 also brings some exciting new improvements for developers.
Updated Libraries - WordPress 4.5 comes bundled libraries for new versions stresses the spine, jQuery, jQuery and move.

Selective Update customizer - In the past, some changes are required Customizer reload the entire page. WordPress 4.5 comes with a range of optional update that allow adaptation. It is quick and will allow developers to do great things in the live preview. (# 27355).

Embed customizable templates - wordpress 4.4 which allowed users to install the Placement and other records of their own WordPress blogs. WordPress 4.5 includes customizable templates so that topic Embed authors can embed adjust the display to match their theme. (# 34561)

WP_Site Class - WordPress 4.5 comes WP_Site class for multisite WordPress installs. (# 32450)
Script Loader - WordPress 4.5 representing wp_add_inline_script (), which makes it easier to add inline scripts. (# 14853, # 35873)

We hope that this article gave you a good overview of what the new WordPress 4.5. We are particularly excited about the available templates and optimized for image generation. What are you excited about?


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